Culture Palace of the Nationalities(民族文化宫)

Culture Palace of the Nationalities was built in 1959 It is the first national grand nationality museum after the establishment of the People s Republic of China

  • Tel:

    +86 10 66019375
  • Best Time to Visit:

    All Year
  • Duration:

    3 hours
  • Admission:

    Free Free
  • Opening Hours:

    9:00 -16:00


Culture Palace of the Nationalities(民族文化宫)

Tianchi Valley has a 1,000 square meters “heaven lake”, clear and transparent like a mirror; 200 meters leisure hole, where constant temperatures that will be warm in winter and cool in summer. Flourishing trees shade the sun. Walking in here will make you completely relaxed and happy.

Outward bound is another feature in Tianchi Valley. It is quite popular among tourists. Such games as rock climbing, prompt drop are safe but thrilling that will definitely meet your expectati...

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Culture Palace of the Nationalities(民族文化宫)

Tianchi Valley has a 1,000 square meters “heaven lake”, clear and transparent like a mirror; 200 meters leisure hole, where constant temperatures that will be warm in winter and cool in summer. Flourishing trees shade the sun. Walking in here will make you completely relaxed and happy.

Outward bound is another feature in Tianchi Valley. It is quite popular among tourists. Such games as rock climbing, prompt drop are safe but thrilling that will definitely meet your expectation. Out bound not only can bring you close to nature but also can help to build up strong willpower, loyalty, confidence, teamwork and cohesion for a group of people.

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Address : No. 49 Nei Street, Fuxingmen, Xicheng District

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