Dong Xing Lou

  • Tel:

    +86 10 84064118
  • Per Capita Consumption:

    115 RMB 115 RMB
  • Business hours:

    10:30 – 21:30


Dong Xing Lou

Located at Dong’anmen Street, Dong Xing Lou was established in the 28th year during the reign of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. Dong Xing Lou is considered in the top eight Shandong restaurants.

In the 1980s, time-honored restaurants started to reopen, and the same Dong Xing Lou, which has been gone for nearly 40 years. The catering company for Dongcheng District relocated it at Dongzhimen Nei Street and announced its reestablishment.In terms ofcooking skills and service, today&rsqu...

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Dong Xing Lou

Located at Dong’anmen Street, Dong Xing Lou was established in the 28th year during the reign of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. Dong Xing Lou is considered in the top eight Shandong restaurants.

In the 1980s, time-honored restaurants started to reopen, and the same Dong Xing Lou, which has been gone for nearly 40 years. The catering company for Dongcheng District relocated it at Dongzhimen Nei Street and announced its reestablishment.In terms ofcooking skills and service, today’s Dong Xing Lou is up there with the old Dong Xing Lou.

Dong Xing Lou develops the traditional specialties of the old Dong Xing Lou and there are strict principles for each dish.

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Address : No. 5, Dongzhimen Nei Street, Dongcheng District

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