Lugou Bridge(卢沟桥)

Lugou Bridge is the oldest stone arch bridge at present in Beijing.

  • Best Time to Visit:

    All Year
  • Duration:

    2 Hours
  • Admission:

    20 yuan; boarding fees: 3 yuan 20 yuan; boarding fees: 3 yuan
  • Opening Hours:

    Peak season (April 1- October 31): 07:00-19:00
    Off season (November 1- March 31): 08:00-17:00


Lugou Bridge(卢沟桥)

Lugou Bridge is the oldest multi-arched stone bridge in the Beijing area. It was built during the Yuan Dynasty and has a history of over 800 years.

Lugou Bridge has witnessed the changes in Chinese history and the struggles of its people. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was an important transportation hub on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, carrying a significant amount of trade and people. During the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lugou Bridge b...

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Lugou Bridge(卢沟桥)

Lugou Bridge is the oldest multi-arched stone bridge in the Beijing area. It was built during the Yuan Dynasty and has a history of over 800 years.

Lugou Bridge has witnessed the changes in Chinese history and the struggles of its people. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was an important transportation hub on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, carrying a significant amount of trade and people. During the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lugou Bridge became a critical strategic location. The "Lugou Bridge Incident" on July 7, 1937, marked the full-scale outbreak of the war, becoming an important milestone in modern Chinese history.

Today, Lugou Bridge has become an important tourist attraction. Visitors can appreciate the ancient architecture and the historical marks of the stone pavement. The nearby Xiaoyue Lake, clear as a mirror, reflects the beauty of the bridge, providing a sense of tranquility and comfort.

Walking on Lugou Bridge, one can feel the weight of history and its grandeur while remembering the red history and promoting the great spirit of the War of Resistance.

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Address : Wanpingcheng Area, Fengtai District 丰台区宛平城地区

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