Financial Street (金融街)

Financial Street business zone is located east side of the 2nd West Ring, which starts from Fuxingmennei Avenue in the south to Fuchengmennei Avenue in the north

  • Tel:

  • Best Time to Visit:

    All Year
  • Duration:

    2 hours
  • Admission:

    No No
  • Opening Hours:

    All Day


Financial Street (金融街)

Financial Street business zone is located east side of the 2nd West Ring, which starts from Fuxingmennei Avenue in the south to Fuchengmennei Avenue in the north. There are two 5-star rated hotels famous around the world-Westin and Ritz-Carlton, and tourists check in the hotels can not only purchase high-end commodities at Financial Street Shopping Center but also negotiate business at the cafe.

Main Shopping Department Stores

(1)Parkson Fuxingmen Branch (2) Financial Stre...

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Financial Street (金融街)

Financial Street business zone is located east side of the 2nd West Ring, which starts from Fuxingmennei Avenue in the south to Fuchengmennei Avenue in the north. There are two 5-star rated hotels famous around the world-Westin and Ritz-Carlton, and tourists check in the hotels can not only purchase high-end commodities at Financial Street Shopping Center but also negotiate business at the cafe.

Main Shopping Department Stores

(1)Parkson Fuxingmen Branch (2) Financial Street Shopping Center (3) Changan Market

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Address : East side of the 2nd West Ring

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