The Temple of Confucius (孔庙)

The Temple of Confucius in Beijing is the place where people paid homage to Confucius during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties

Scenic Level : AAAA
Historical Building Temple
  • Tel:

    +86 10 64075259
  • Best Time to Visit:

    All Year Round
  • Duration:

    1 hour
  • Admission:

    30 BMB 30 BMB
  • Opening Hours:

    8:00 - 16:30
    Closed on Monday


The Temple of Confucius (孔庙)

Beijing Confucian Temple nestles north of the eastern side of Guozijian Street aka Chengxian Street inside Anding Gate. Two rows of locust trees flanking the street provide a comfy, long-stretched shade.

As its name suggests, the temple enshrines Confucius, an ancient Chinese thinker, educator and cultural colossus of worldwide prestige. It commenced in the 6th Year (1302) of Yuan’s Dade Reign and ended in the 10th Year (1306). In the 9th Year (1530) of Jiajing reign of the Ming dynasty...

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The Temple of Confucius (孔庙)

Beijing Confucian Temple nestles north of the eastern side of Guozijian Street aka Chengxian Street inside Anding Gate. Two rows of locust trees flanking the street provide a comfy, long-stretched shade.

As its name suggests, the temple enshrines Confucius, an ancient Chinese thinker, educator and cultural colossus of worldwide prestige. It commenced in the 6th Year (1302) of Yuan’s Dade Reign and ended in the 10th Year (1306). In the 9th Year (1530) of Jiajing reign of the Ming dynasty, the Chongshengci (Shrine of Sage Worship) was erected to worship five generations of the Clan, in particular Confucius himself. Later Dachengdian (Hall of Great Achievement) got expanded when it came to the 32nd Year (1906) of Guangxu reign in Qing Dynasty. From then on, the temple has taken on a present look. For more than 700 years, it witnessed to how the rulers in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped Confucius, preached Confucian teaching and spread the literary tradition. In this way, it grew into a sanctuary in the hearts of all feudal scholars.

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Address : No. 13 Guozijianbei Street, Andingmennei, Dongcheng, Beijing

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