Tai Feng Lou

  • Tel:

    +86 10 63010153
  • Per Capita Consumption:

    90 RMB 90 RMB
  • Business hours:

    11:00 - 14:00; 17:00 - 21:00


Tai Feng Lou

Tai Feng Lou was originally located at No. 1, Meishi Street near Qianmen and was one of “Eight Lous” in Beijing. Tai Feng Lou had once experienced a lot. In the late Qing Dynasty, the owner sold Tai Feng Lou to his fellow-villagers Sun Yongli and Zhu Baiping and bought it back not for long. The owner of Tai Feng Lou was changed several times, but its flavor has never changed and it is still quite popular among customers.

Tai Feng Lou is known to Beijingers for its excellent...

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Tai Feng Lou

Tai Feng Lou was originally located at No. 1, Meishi Street near Qianmen and was one of “Eight Lous” in Beijing. Tai Feng Lou had once experienced a lot. In the late Qing Dynasty, the owner sold Tai Feng Lou to his fellow-villagers Sun Yongli and Zhu Baiping and bought it back not for long. The owner of Tai Feng Lou was changed several times, but its flavor has never changed and it is still quite popular among customers.

Tai Feng Lou is known to Beijingers for its excellent cooking skills and its fresh, crispy and tender features of delicacies. It is known to all that soups are very important in cooking. Tai Feng Lou pays much attention to soups. Live chicken and pork joints will be used every day to make soups, so soups here will be much better than those made of aginomoto in other restaurants. Soup dishes such as Shandong Specialty stewed culltlefish egg soup, lotus tremella soup and sour and spicy shredded chicken soup are all available here. The sour and spicy shredded chicken soup is especially popular among customers.

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Address : No. 2, Qianmen Street, Dongcheng District

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