
  • Type:

    Accommodation & Catering
  • Tel:

  • Per Capita Consumption:

    52 RMB 52 RMB
  • Business hours:

    8:00 - 19:30



Found in Qing Dynasty, Yueshengzhai is a store specializing in selling sauced beef and mutton. It is said that in Qing Dynasty there was a man named Ma Qingrui who got a temporary job in Yamen - a government office in feudal China. Every time when Yamen held ritual activities, Ma was in charge of taking care of tables that were used to put food. Once Ma was given a whole lamb as a reward. The lamb was so big that Ma only ate half, and he took the rest into the street for sell. Ma found that sell...

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Found in Qing Dynasty, Yueshengzhai is a store specializing in selling sauced beef and mutton. It is said that in Qing Dynasty there was a man named Ma Qingrui who got a temporary job in Yamen - a government office in feudal China. Every time when Yamen held ritual activities, Ma was in charge of taking care of tables that were used to put food. Once Ma was given a whole lamb as a reward. The lamb was so big that Ma only ate half, and he took the rest into the street for sell. Ma found that selling mutton earned much more than his original job, so he started to buy mutton or beef that was used to rituals in cheap prices, selling those meat on the street. Gradually, Ma became a professional seller of mutton and beef.

Started in 1775, Yueshengzhai has had a history of more than 220 years.

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Address : No. 1, Qianmen Street, Dongcheng District (opposite to Da Bei Photo)

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