Si Shi Tong Tang

  • Type:

    Accommodation & Catering
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  • Per Capita Consumption:

    135RMB 135RMB
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Si Shi Tong Tang

On the theme of the famous novel of the same name, the restaurant is of typical Beijing style. Most of the dishes here are in traditional styles, but occasionally a dish of innovative style makes a real surprise, such as Da Chi Bao Catches the Five Chiefs (Pea Cake in the shape of mahjong), Land Mine (chocolate in the shape of land mine).
Besides the specials, dishes like Spicy Tripes, Fried Sausage, Fried Potherb Mustard, Osmanthus Egg are cooked in the indigent way. Bei Le Barbecue, quickl...

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Si Shi Tong Tang

On the theme of the famous novel of the same name, the restaurant is of typical Beijing style. Most of the dishes here are in traditional styles, but occasionally a dish of innovative style makes a real surprise, such as Da Chi Bao Catches the Five Chiefs (Pea Cake in the shape of mahjong), Land Mine (chocolate in the shape of land mine).
Besides the specials, dishes like Spicy Tripes, Fried Sausage, Fried Potherb Mustard, Osmanthus Egg are cooked in the indigent way. Bei Le Barbecue, quickly fried scallion and barbecue wrapped in the pancake, tastes delicious and full of aroma. Emperor Qianlong Cabbage, a mixture of sesame paste, cabbage and musturd, is one of the typical Beijing dishes. Ribs in the Stewed Ribs becomes tender and easy to separate after long time stewing. Quick Fried Three Kinds of Meat (pork, pork loin, and pork liver) tastes tender without a nuance of funky taste.

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Address : Golden Sun Commercial Hotel, No. 85 Xi Bian Men Nei Street (East gate of Guanganmen Hospital)

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