Biluo Tower Bar Park

Biluo Tower Bar Park is located at the most east side of Beidaihe coast and has a quite convenient transport. It is a themed park combines leisure, catering and performance.

Scenic Level : AAAA
Favored Destinations
  • Tel:

    0335 - 4041798
  • Best Time:

  • Recommended:

    1 -2 hours
  • Admission:

    30 BMB 30 BMB
  • Opening Hours:

    4:00 - 24:00


Biluo Tower Bar Park

Biluo Tower Bar Park is located at the most east side of Beidaihe coast and has a quite convenient transport. It is a themed park combines leisure, catering and performance.

Biluo tower, the main building of the park ranks the highest of coastal area, with 21 meters high and 7 floors. As the only conch-shaped spiral tower, Biluo tower provides visitors the grand sea scenery.

The park is surrounded by the ocean on three sides, with 106 mu of land area and 1.5 square meters of w...

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Biluo Tower Bar Park

Biluo Tower Bar Park is located at the most east side of Beidaihe coast and has a quite convenient transport. It is a themed park combines leisure, catering and performance.

Biluo tower, the main building of the park ranks the highest of coastal area, with 21 meters high and 7 floors. As the only conch-shaped spiral tower, Biluo tower provides visitors the grand sea scenery.

The park is surrounded by the ocean on three sides, with 106 mu of land area and 1.5 square meters of water area. In the park, visitors will enjoy graceful scenery, breath the fresh air and have some recreational activities such as fishing.

Biluo Tower Bar Park is appointed as a sea fishing base by the Tourist Administration of Beidaihe District. With its gorgeous natural environment, special leisure atmosphere, characteristic catering and interesting performance, the park attracts a lot of visitors every year, becoming a new lightspot of Beidaihe.

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Address : Haitan Road, Haibin East Road, Beidaihe District, Qinhuangdao

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