Kowloon Gorge

Scenic Level : A
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    Adult Ticket: 60 RMB Student Ticket: 30 RMB Adult Ticket: 60 RMB Student Ticket: 30 RMB
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Kowloon Gorge

Kowloon Gorge is located on the eastern foothills of the central Taihang Mountains, covering an area of 64 square kilometers. The main peak, Wangmao Mountain, has an elevation of 1,800 meters. The gorge is 62 kilometers east of Xingtai City, accessible via the Yisha National Defense Highway and the high-grade Shanxi-Hebei Highway.

The area includes the Kowloon Gorge Scenic Area and the Kowloon Gorge Watergate Agricultural Ecotourism Demonstration Zone, featuring over a hundred attractio...

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Kowloon Gorge

Kowloon Gorge is located on the eastern foothills of the central Taihang Mountains, covering an area of 64 square kilometers. The main peak, Wangmao Mountain, has an elevation of 1,800 meters. The gorge is 62 kilometers east of Xingtai City, accessible via the Yisha National Defense Highway and the high-grade Shanxi-Hebei Highway.

The area includes the Kowloon Gorge Scenic Area and the Kowloon Gorge Watergate Agricultural Ecotourism Demonstration Zone, featuring over a hundred attractions. It is known as the "Top Scenic Spot of Hebei Province " and the "Pearl of Taihang's Natural Scenery." It is a national AAAA-rated scenic area and part of the Xingtai National Geopark.

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Address : Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province, about 485 kilometers from Beijing

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