Heshe Hotel•Bu Lao Tun

Located at the north bank of Miyun Reservoir, this tranquil country homestay hotel covering a 3000-square-meter courtyard is nestled in a scenic area.

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Heshe Hotel•Bu Lao Tun

Located at the north bank of Miyun Reservoir, this tranquil country homestay hotel covering a 3000-square-meter courtyard is nestled in a scenic area, including Yunfeng Mountain on the north and waters such as Bulao Lake and Shengshui Spring on the south. The hotel is created with clusters of courtyard suites of distinct styles by different designers. These variously themed courtyards like the family courtyard, teenage courtyard, parent-child courtyard and couples’ courtyard, are spacious...

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Heshe Hotel•Bu Lao Tun

Located at the north bank of Miyun Reservoir, this tranquil country homestay hotel covering a 3000-square-meter courtyard is nestled in a scenic area, including Yunfeng Mountain on the north and waters such as Bulao Lake and Shengshui Spring on the south. The hotel is created with clusters of courtyard suites of distinct styles by different designers. These variously themed courtyards like the family courtyard, teenage courtyard, parent-child courtyard and couples’ courtyard, are spacious with distinct features.

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Address : No. 113, Chezhan Road, Huangtukan Village, Bulaotun Town, Miyun District 密云区不老屯镇黄土坎村车站路113号

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