Liyuan Library (篱苑书屋)

Located in Huairou, a small town in suburban Beijing, the Liyuan library provides visitors and villagers with free reading and a quiet and refined space for exchange.

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Liyuan Library (篱苑书屋)

Located in Huairou, a small town in suburban Beijing, the Liyuan library provides visitors and villagers with free reading and a quiet and refined space for exchange. But remember, the store does not open all year round, so you’d better check with the store for opening hours in advance. The design of the library is aimed at harmony with nature, making artificial substances gather the clear but scattered spirit of nature to form an inspiring atmosphere and create a tranquil and harmonious c...

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Liyuan Library (篱苑书屋)

Located in Huairou, a small town in suburban Beijing, the Liyuan library provides visitors and villagers with free reading and a quiet and refined space for exchange. But remember, the store does not open all year round, so you’d better check with the store for opening hours in advance. The design of the library is aimed at harmony with nature, making artificial substances gather the clear but scattered spirit of nature to form an inspiring atmosphere and create a tranquil and harmonious coexistence between man and nature, man and heaven. The water in front of the building, plank roads, pebble paths and fences (made of branches and twigs from the mountains) form an enclosed space, making the library itself and the natural environment into an integral whole. The bookstore is both sun-shaded and previous to light, and displays distinct regional characteristics, so it’s named “Liyuan” (meaning a fenced courtyard).

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Address : 50 Meters East from the Bridge of Zhihuigu, Jiaojiehe Township, Yanxi Lake, Fanqi St, Huairou District, Beijing 北京市怀柔区范崎路雁栖湖交界河村智慧谷过桥50米

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