Baifuquan Park

Themed Park
  • Duration:

    2-3 hours
  • Admission:

    Free Free
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Baifuquan Park

During the "23·7" torrential rainstorm, Changping New Town Riverside Forest Park, serving as a flood storage area, was inundated due to the upstream reservoir's flood discharge. The park's facilities, plant landscapes, and biodiversity suffered severe damage. After nearly a year of reconstruction, Changping New Town Riverside Forest Park recently reopened to the public and was officially renamed Baifuquan Park. This renaming was necessary to avoid confusion among the 11 district-level riverside...

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Baifuquan Park

During the "23·7" torrential rainstorm, Changping New Town Riverside Forest Park, serving as a flood storage area, was inundated due to the upstream reservoir's flood discharge. The park's facilities, plant landscapes, and biodiversity suffered severe damage. After nearly a year of reconstruction, Changping New Town Riverside Forest Park recently reopened to the public and was officially renamed Baifuquan Park. This renaming was necessary to avoid confusion among the 11 district-level riverside forest parks in Beijing and to highlight the historical significance of Baifuquan in the Grand Canal's history.

The newly rebuilt Baifuquan Park features additional amenities, including a children's play area, smart fitness equipment, sports fields, a circular rubber running track, a forest pasture, and boating activities. Furthermore, the water management department constructed a new spillway at the park's southernmost point to divert floodwaters and prevent future damage to the park.

During the reopening event, Changping District also unveiled the "Expanding Green, Promoting Green, Protecting Green" initiative. Volunteer representative Zhou Zhenxia read a proposal encouraging citizens, party members, volunteers, and primary and secondary school students to participate in the "Expanding Green, Promoting Green, Protecting Green" activities. This initiative, leveraging the "Forest Chief + Volunteer" model, aims to support the development of the capital's garden city and forest city on a broader scale.

In recent years, Changping District has made significant progress in landscaping, park construction, forest fire prevention, and the development of forestry and fruit industries. The district's forestry area has reached 65,000 hectares, with a forest coverage rate of 48.63%. The service radius of park green spaces within 500 meters has increased to 93.8%, and the per capita park green space area has reached 17.18 square meters.

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Address : South Ring Road, Changping District, Beijing

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