The restaurant serves dishes mentioned in the renowned Chinese novel The Dream of the Red Mansion and the cuisines...
Shaguoju Restaurant was founded in 1741 and has accumulated an abundance of catering culture.
You Yi Shun is a halal restaurant set up on August 8, 1948 by Di Deshan. It is a branch of Dong Lai Shun. There are two halal restaurants in Beijing, Dong Lai Shun and Xi Lai Shun, according to a couplet written by a man of letters.
This restaurant is quite popular among its customers. As an old-brand restaurant in Beijing, it can date back to the early 1900s, and started up as a simple stand. Nowadays, its chain stores have spread to more than 20 cities.
Wang Zhi He fermented bean curd is made of well-selected ingredients. It is produced by high-quality soybeans through...
Jin Fang is specialized in Muslim Beijing-style snacks featuring fine workmanship and selected materials, and therefore adored by Beijingers.
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